60th Reunion Essay Book

The Reunion Committee would like you remind you that the Harvard Coop still stocks a limited number of our Essay Book, Recollections and Reflections, which is being offered at the very attractive price of $11.78 for non-members, plus shipping.


Published in 2017, this special hardcover book contains essays, reflections, and life lessons from 135 members of our Class. Profusely illustrated, the book would make a great special gift from any H-R '57 member to family, friends, your local school or public library.


See Reviews, Tables of Content, Illustrations, & Authors


Your digital version with illustrations in full color at The Essay Book. To select articles, click page numbers in Tables, Chapter separators, and Index of Authors.


To order via phone, call the Coop at 1-800-368-1882 and ask for item #4551: Recollections and Reflections by the Class of 1957.


Or, you can order online here: alumni.harvard.edu/1957EssayBook.